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List Users API Definition

The List Users API lets you list all users on your team and also their corpus access and customer-level authorizations.

Other activities such as adding, deleting, enabling, disabling, resetting passwords, and editing user roles are performed by the Manage Users endpoint.


Check out our interactive API Playground that lets you experiment with this REST endpoint to manage users for your Vectara account.


The listUsersType specifies the type of user as none, all, or only to list users with a customer account level. You can also pass a page_key to retrieve a specific page of results. Leave empty to retrieve first page.

REST Example

List Users Endpoint Address

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to list users:

The API Playground shows the full List Users REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full List Users gRPC definition at admin_user.proto.