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Standard Indexing API Definition

The first step in using Vectara is to index a set of related documents or content into a corpus. Indexing a document enables you to make data available for search and retrieval more efficiently. The Standard Indexing API is recommended for applications where documents already have a clear and consistent structure.

Our Standard Indexing capability transforms this structured data into a format that enables the data to become easily searchable in just a few seconds. We also support a variety of data formats by allowing you to specify multiple document attributes and metadata.

  • Check out our interactive API Playground that shows the full Index REST definition and lets you experiment with this endpoint to index documents from your browser.
  • We also provide REST Index examples in C#, Java, NodeJS, PHP, and Python.

Index Document Request and Response

The request that adds data into a corpus provides essential information about the document you want to index. A document is a piece of coherent textual matter. This index request requires the following parameters:

  • Customer ID
  • Corpus ID
  • Document object

The response includes a status message and a StorageQuota message indicating how much quota was consumed. An ALREADY_EXISTS status code indicates how much quota would have been consumed.


The storage quota object returns the number of characters consumed and the number of metadata characters consumed. The total quota consumed is simply the sum of both values.

Document Object Definition

A document object encapsulates the information about the data that you want to index. A document in Vectara is very flexible because it represent a short tweet or book with thousands of pages. This object has a document_id which must be unique among all the documents in the same corpus. The document may optionally speciify a title, description, and metadata. The core of the document is also structured in sections that can include unique identifiers, titles, strings, metadata, and so on.

The custom_dims field (Scale only) provides default values for the corresponding section fields, should they fail to define them explicitly. Most importantly, section defines the actual textual matter. Documents can also have multiple sections.

Section within a Document

A section represents an organizational subunit within a document. Its definition is recursive, since a section can be composed of further sections.

The actual textual content, which is at least a single sentence, but might span several paragraphs or more, is stored in text. Like a document, it may optionally specify a title, which semantically corresponds to a section header or chapter title.

Sections provide flexibility, and it's possible that a section specifies a title, but relegates the text to subsections. For instance, consider the following simple document excerpt from Wikipedia:


First inhabitants

Settled by successive waves of arrivals during at least the last 13,000 years,[41] California was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America. Various estimates of the native population range from 100,000 to 300,000.[42] The indigenous peoples of California included more than 70 distinct ethnic groups of Native Americans, ranging from large, settled populations living on the coast to groups in the interior. California groups also were diverse in their political organization with bands, tribes, villages, and on the resource-rich coasts, large chiefdoms, such as the Chumash, Pomo and Salinan. Trade, intermarriage and military alliances fostered many social and economic relationships among the diverse groups.

Spanish rule

The first Europeans to explore the California coast were the members of a Spanish sailing expedition led by Portuguese captain Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo; they entered San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542, and reached at least as far north as San Miguel Island. Privateer and explorer Francis Drake explored and claimed an undefined portion of the California coast in 1579, landing north of the future city of San Francisco. The first Asians to set foot on what would be the United States occurred in 1587, when Filipino sailors arrived in Spanish ships at Morro Bay. Sebastián Vizcaíno explored and mapped the coast of California in 1602 for New Spain, sailing as far north as Cape Mendocino.

This could be represented as a top-level section titled "History" and no text. It would contain two sections, "First inhabitants" and "Spanish rule" that both specify text.

The part metadata, held in metadata_json, is returned in search query results. It can contain, for example, information that links the item to records in other systems.

For Scale only users, custom_dims allows you to specify additional factors that can be used at query time to control the ranking of results. The custom dimensions must be defined ahead of time for the corpus, or else they'll be ignored.

REST Example

Standard Indexing REST Endpoint

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to index content into a corpus:

The API Playground shows the full Standard Indexing REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full Standard Indexing gRPC definition at indexing.proto.

For IndexDocumentRequest, the reply does not block. The information in the request is not necessarily available in the index when the RPC returns. In most cases, it becomes available within a second.

The full definition also shows the Document format, and a Section within the document, including metadata about the section.

Custom Dimensions Use Cases (Scale only)

Custom dimensions are a powerful Vectara capability for our Scale users. Custom dimensions enable you to attach numeric factors to every item in the index, which affect its final ranking during searches. Some example use cases include:

  1. Define the authoritativeness of the content.

    For example, content with 100 upvotes can be ranked higher than content with no upvotes and 10 downvotes.

  2. Indicate the source of the content.

    If there are N sources, this is usually done by defining N custom dimensions, and treating them as boolean 0-1 fields. This allows weighting results based on source, or even excluding certain sources altogether.

    For example, content from a government FAQ would be rated higher than content from a user forum.

  3. Define the geography in which content is relevant.

  4. Indicate the publication date which makes it easy to weight more recent results higher.

For more information on how to use custom dimensions, refer to the Custom Dimensions Usage Documentation