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Read Corpus API Definition

The Read Corpus API lets you view detailed information about corpora within your account. It enables you to view different aspects about the corpus including basic information like the ID, name, whether it is enabled or disabled, and other metadata. You can also view the corpus size, associated API keys, custom dimensions, and filter attributes.

This capability helps administrators understand the access control details and monitor the size of corpora to understand information like the amount of quota consumed. You can also use this information for optimizing search and storage utilization.

For example, you can track the read and write activity of a specific corpus which can help you change your security strategy proactively. You noticed a corpus with an API key with read/write access that is only being used for high volume reads. You may decide to switch to a read-only key.

In another case, you might respond to a security incident by disabling a specific corpus because of information returned by this endpoint.


Check out our interactive API Playground that lets you experiment with this REST endpoint to read your corpus details.

Read Corpus Request and Response

The request to read corpus data provides detailed information about the corpus. You specify either true or false whether you want to view basic information, corpus size, associated API keys, custom dimensions, and filter attributes. This read corpus request also requires corpus_id and customer_id parameters.

The response includes detailed information about the corpus depending on what you specified in the request. For example, you wanted to know the associated API keys with a specific corpus.

REST Example

Read Corpus REST Endpoint Address

Vectara exposes a REST endpoint at the following URL to read information about the corpus:

The API Playground shows the full Read Corpus REST definition.

gRPC Example

You can find the full Read Corpus gRPC definition at admin.proto.